DK Global assisted a man who was severely injured at work when he was struck in the head with a 300 pound tree branch. The Plaintiff, an employee at a tree cutting company, was standing on the ground roping tree branches to be cut by another employee (defendant) at the top of the tree in a lift. The employee in the lift failed to follow protocol and threw the branch down without signaling. The Defendant's throw was short of the woodpile and struck the Plaintiff on the left side of his head, causing him to be knocked to the ground with immediate injuries. Following the incident, the Plaintiff required brain surgery due to the severe nature of the injuries. The Plaintiff now suffers from issues with his memory, inability to follow directions and process information, ringing in his ears, and other permanent damages.
The presentation created by DK Global has three parts: reconstruction of the incident, medical illustrations, and a reconstruction of the surgical procedure required by the Plaintiff. More than just reconstruct the incident, the animation features a comparison between what should have happened utilizing the right protocol and the Defendant's negligent actions. Next, the animation moves into detailing the injuries sustained by the Plaintiff as a result of the incident. A 3D character model with basic likeness is depicted with the camera then zooming in to the bone structure to show the multiple fractures sustained. Colorized imagery is used to depict the oblique fracture through the frontal bone, the fracture of the left orbital medial wall with a hairline fracture through the left sphenoid and skull base, and the depressed right parietal calvarial fracture. The camera zooms back out to the character model and a slice view of the brain is depicted. Normal symmetrical ventricles are shown in comparison with the Plaintiff's brain at the time. Colorized imagery highlights major injuries: scalp swelling, hemorrhage and hematomas, a compressed right ventricle and invisible left ventricle, and a subdural hematoma. This same technique is used to compare normal sinuses to the Plaintiff's sinuses. Lastly, the surgical procedures - left side craniectomy and evacuation of hematoma - are depicted. This animation proved how serious the injuries sustained were based on medical documentation, expert feedback, and witness testimony. Read More
At DK Global, we take great pride in producing visual aids that are as accurate as they are aesthetically pleasing. With each step of the process, we ensure that all pieces of the presentation are precise by communicating with our certified medical illustrators, experts and of course, the client.
Michael Caldwell, President & CEO