Settlement Reached After Collision Causes Spinal Injury
Custom 3D Demonstratives Prove Negligence

Attorney Nicholas Cronauer of Cronauer Law requested DK Global’s help in producing a reconstruction animation with a mechanism of injury. The presentation begins with the Defendant driving southbound as the Plaintiff is traveling northbound. It is clearly illustrated how the Defendant fails to yield the right of way as he chooses to make a left turn directly in the Plaintiff’s path of travel. The Plaintiff attempts to avoid the large truck but ultimately gets hit by the vehicle. Following the crash, the camera dynamically shifts to show the Plaintiff’s car as it becomes transparent and zooms in to the Plaintiff’s lumbar spine to reveal the injuries sustained. These include spinal stenosis, left and right foraminal annular tear, and a leftward bulging disc.

On the eve of trial, during jury selection, attorney Cronauer was able to successfully obtain a confidential settlement for his client. Since starting practice in 2011, attorney Cronauer has personally handled and recovered over $60,000,000 for clients, which included a $5.3 and $1 million judgments in 2017. For 2018 Mr. Cronauer was a nationally ranked Top 10 Under 40 lawyer for excellence in the field of Personal Injury. His main practice areas for litigation are personal injury cases, product liability cases, workers compensation and commercial and business litigation.


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