Man Sustains Burns to Over 60% of His Body and Passes After Surgical Procedure

Animation Showing Skin Grafting Procedure Aids Attorney in Presenting Severity

An attorney reached out to DK Global for an animation which detailed the painful procedure of their client's skin grafting. The Plaintiff was working in the cockpit of an excavator and was told the pipe he was working on was thicker than it appeared to be. When his digger struck through the pipe and hit a gas leak, it caused him to be engulfed in flames. The Plaintiff sustained burns over 60% of his body and although he was stabilized, he was in severe pain. Skin grafting procedures were performed in an attempt to save his life, but tragically, the Plaintiff passed away just days after the procedure. The representing attorney requested the animation to show the Defense just how much suffering his client had endured before his tragic passing.

Creating an Impactful Impression Through Surgical Animations

The animation retraced the steps of the physicians as they removed the burned skin and cauterized the larger bleeding points. Epinephrine lap pads were placed on the burns before allograft was expanded and secured to the excised wounds. The depiction of the procedure allows for a clear understanding of how invasive and excruciating these rehabilitative procedures are, and makes for an impactful presentation. 

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"Our animations support cases like this that need to describe the human anatomy and explain the surgery required to correct an injury."

Michael Caldwell, Founder & CEO

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