$2 Million Settlement for Teacher Hit By City Bus

Reconstruction Animation Emphasizes Driver’s Line of Sight

A 55-year-old woman was crossing a Chicago street when she was run over by an 18-passenger shuttle bus causing her severe personal injuries. Upon arrival on the scene, paramedics found the school teacher bleeding with exposed bone, degloving, and abrasions to the right leg. The woman’s degloving injury was found to be approximately 38 cm from the proximal tibia down to the midfoot region with exposure of tendons. She also sustained a comminuted calcaneus fracture and a bimalleolar ankle fracture. With the immense amount of damage, attorney Nicholas Loizzi of Loizzi Law Offices, LLC reached out to DK Global for a reconstruction animation which demonstrated the incident and pushed for liability.

The presentation opens with a Google map pinpointing the location of the incident accompanied by a photo from the scene confirming environment and weather conditions. The animation then begins with a bird’s eye view of the bus and the woman as she looks both ways before crossing the street. Expert measurements were utilized in showcasing the visual limit of the driver. This allowed the jury to clearly see that the woman was in the driver’s line of sight, before being hit. A replay of the incident breaks down the points of impact on the vehicle with photos and the moment the tires run over the woman’s legs. With visuals in hand, Attorney Loizzi was able to obtain a $2 million dollar settlement on behalf of his client.

Attorney Nicholas Loizzi first opened his firm in 1996, with the hope to grow a personal connection with his clients. He has represented numerous victims of catastrophic injuries since 1992.  In that time, his dedication to his clients and the legal profession has been unsurpassed.

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"The line of sight is a significant factor when it comes to a driver versus pedestrian. By reconstructing each person's perspective we are able to emphasize the key aspects leading up to the scene."

Michael Caldwell, Founder & CEO

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