Multi-Billion Dollar Corporation Found Negligent After Man Dies
Man Incinerated In Collision

Negligence and cost-cutting from a large corporation became fatal when a fiery collision, caused by an inexperienced driver, incinerated the Plaintiff. The suit had two defendants: Defendant #1 was the nation's largest full-service grocery retailer and Defendant #2 was a small trucking company that Defendant #1 contracted to fulfill their trucking duties. Despite Defendant #2 failing to uphold the conditions of the partnership by purchasing a comprehensive insurance plan, Defendant #1 continued to use them for nearly four years. In fact, Defendant #2 failed to obtain the required California motor carrier permit. The company opted to hire family members in lieu of well-qualified and experienced professional drivers and in this case, chose to ignore the driver's relevant criminal record.

Defendant #2 hired a 21-year-old with less than one year of interstate driving experience and multiple recent convictions including a hit and run, driving while using a cell phone, and two commercial speeding tickets. At the time of the collision, the driver was still serving a 36 month probation for the hit and run. This driver was entrusted to drive a semi-tractor-trailer, loaded with Defendant #1's goods, across the country. However, the driver caused a fatal collision while still in the departure state. The Plaintiff was stopped at a red traffic signal when Defendant #2's driver slammed into the back of his car going 40 mph. The Plaintiff's truck was instantly obliterated and burst into flames. Even after the collision, Defendant #2 failed to comply with the proper regulations and Defendant #1 failed to intervene. Defendant #2 chose not to test the driver for drugs and alcohol within the 24 hour period. Still, Defendant #1 continues to utilize Defendant #2 as a means of cutting costs.

DK Global was employed to create a graphics presentation to depict all of the case's pertinent information. The presentation compiled all of the case's complexities into a concise video. Because the case had so many details, it was important that the video encompassed everything in an engaging fashion. Custom graphics, document tear outs, and photographs are used to strategically show the story's main components and simple text labeling ensures that each piece will be easily understood. Together, this presentation destroyed the defense's argument and proved that the defendants in the matter were not only negligent, but that their continuous neglience caused the Plaintiff's death.

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This company, whose annual sales net close to $100 billion, continues to prioritize profit over people. The presentation did a great job of highlighting their negligence and proving how this collision could have been avoided at numerous times if either defendant chose to intervene.
Michael Caldwell, President & CEO |
President & CEO
Sales & Production Liaison
Senior Visual Consultant
Although the facts and outcomes presented in this email are intended to be true and accurate, they represent the reporting of a unique matter and do not imply or guarantee any type of result or outcome for matters in which DK Global is involved.

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