Miami attorney Robert Alan Rosenblatt represented the spouse of a 48 year-old male who suffered a traumatic brain injury after falling 18ft off of a platform, landing head first onto concrete. The man suffered significant head trauma and arrived unresponsive to the hospital. His injuries included a bifrontal, non-depressed left frontal bone fracture, diffuse cerebral edema and associated uncal herniation and a left temporal bone fracture which required an emergency craniectomy with hematoma and contusion removal. The man was placed in critical condition in an induced coma and has developed many complications including respiratory failure, pneumonia, and pressure ulcers. With the man’s poor prognosis for gainful recovery, and continued need for medical treatment, attorney Rosenblatt worked to ensure the plaintiff and his wife would receive compensation for the life-altering ordeal that ensued. He contacted DK Global to produce a visual depiction of the surgical procedure that the plaintiff endured.
After extensive review of the plaintiff’s operative reports, the team produced an easy-to-understand presentation in order to walk the viewer through complex medical information. The animation demonstrates the removal of the acute subdural hematoma and frontal and temporal contusion, and identifies the dead brain tissue. Attorney Rosenblatt provided the medical animation to the court and opposing counsel, whose request to exclude it was denied. The case settled during jury selection. Mr. Rosenblatt successfully obtained all available insurance policy limits from the general contractor, the architects, the plumber subcontractors, the owners, and the lessee of the premises which equated to 7.3 Million Dollars, plus an additional $500,000 from one defendant in order to avoid a “bad faith” case. The injured man will also receive lifetime workers compensation benefits.