This 3D Medical Animation, produced by DK Global, depicts the complex surgery required to replace damaged cervical hardware. Meticulous details are presented as surgeons remove and grind down portions of the spine to facilitate the placement of a new plate.
When veteran San Diego attorney, Mike Padilla of O’mara & Padilla, took on a personal injury case in which the plaintiff sustained injuries as the result of a malfunctioning elevator, he contacted DK Global for visuals. The visual presentation not only provided a clear picture of the surgery required, but did so in an accurate manner which assisted attorney Padilla in obtaining a confidential settlement for his client.
Frequently, still images are not enough to cull understanding from a complex list of medical terms and procedures. Through a wealth of experience, DK Global produces Medical Animations which truly simplify complex procedures in a manner that is understandable and easy to grasp. |