Driver Runs Red Light
Seriously Injures Family of Four

A family of four was injured in a vehicle collision when the driver of a full size pickup truck drove through a red left turn signal, and crashed head-first into their family sedan. Attorney C. Brooks Cutter, of Kershaw, Cutter, & Ratinoff, retained DK Global to produce a top-notch accident reconstruction and damages animation that would assist him in achieving civil justice for the family.

High-speed vehicle collisions can be difficult to accurately portray in a realistic manner due to the many variables involved in the accident. However, through a systematic production process, that includes extensive review of the traffic collision report, medical reports, and in closely collaborating with experts, the team at DK Global created an indisputable visual presentation of negligence for attorney Cutter. The video was so effective in demonstrating the defendant’s liability, the case settled just before trial for a substantial amount of two million dollars.

The video below is comprised of several visual elements including location pin-point, detailed scene and vehicle models, multiple points-of-view, character likeness, and a detailed damages presentation of the plaintiff.

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The scene of an accident contains clues that can help forensic investigators piece together the truth. We closely collaborate with experts and utilize these clues to produce a visceral, impactful video to help our clients retrieve compensation for the injured parties.
Michael Caldwell, President & CEO |
President & CEO
Sales & Production Liaison
Senior Visual Consultant
Although the facts and outcomes presented in this email are intended to be true and accurate, they represent the reporting of a unique matter and do not imply or guarantee any type of result or outcome for matters in which DK Global is involved.

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