Man Driving in Opposite Direction of Traffic Causes Head On Collision
Animation Showcasing Various Points of View Assists in Reaching Favorable Settlement

New York attorney Kevin C. Harp of  O’Connor & Partners, PLLC, represented a passenger of a minivan who was hit head-on by a county vehicle driving down a two-lane roadway, traveling in the wrong lane. The county vehicle was driven by a county employee with a suspended driver’s license while having THC in his system. Mr. Harp’s client suffered a pelvis fracture that required open reduction internal fixation surgery, as well as, an aggravation to a pre-existing back injury. Attorney Harp reached out to DK Global to create a visual presentation reconstructing the incident according to his experts.

The initial investigation at the scene, by Mr. Harp’s office's quick response, viewed the gouge marks in the lane of the Plaintiff's vehicle. This directly contradicted the initial determination by the responding police agency which placed the fault on the Plaintiff's vehicle. The police agency who then completed the accident reconstruction, utilizing a total station machine, created an investigative report that concluded the collision occurred as a result of the Plaintiff's vehicle crossing into the county employee lane of travel. The reconstructive animation began with a Google Maps visual pinpointing the incident’s location. Three perspectives were shown of the collision, starting with an overhead depiction of the Defendant veering into the northbound lane while making a left. The Defendant’s point of view was shown next, with speed gauges correlating his speed and brake time. On-scene photos were utilized to close the presentation further demonstrating the damages caused by the collision.

With visuals in hand, the case settled for $750,000 in the Plaintiff's favor. Attorney Harp has been instrumental in recovering millions of dollars for clients in personal injury matters in New York State Courts.

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