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GA: Rising Above - Damages Summary Aids in $4M Result

During the upcoming weeks, we will be featuring the work and perseverance of attorneys nationwide who have been rising above the call of duty as an advocate for their clients. These attorneys continue to demonstrate diligence, resourcefulness, and compassion against all adversity, and remain a light of hope for their clients and peers.

One such example of this diligent perseverance was shown by Spencer Lucas of Panish Shea & Boyle, LLP. Even after his first and second demand letters were denied, Spencer Lucas was able to secure $4 Million for his client with a settlement video that outlined the severity of their injuries.

When the driver of a tractor-trailer failed to apply his brakes on the freeway while towing a Caterpillar excavator (the behemoth of all construction equipment), he violently rear-ended Mr. Felix, an 88-year-old man commuting to his niece’s wedding. A day that was meant for family and happiness quickly turned tragic, after the collision fractured the elderly gentleman’s spine and rendered him paralyzed. Mr. Felix’s family contacted Panish Shea & Boyle, where Spencer Lucas was appointed to represent him and ensure he received proper compensation for the injuries he suffered.

Damages Animation Aids in Successful Arbitration

There were at least three claimants involved in this case, making for a perplexing situation when appointing liability. After Spencer’s first and second policy limit demand letters were denied, he worked with DK Global to create a visual presentation that would ultimately assist in securing a successful outcome for his client.

The presentation began with a transparent, 3D character model depicting the numerous fractures to Mr. Felix’s spine, including a T7 vertebral body fracture, an epidural hematoma, and the T12 – L1 fracture and dislocation that rendered the man paralyzed. After taking several depositions from all the parties involved, downloading the crash data from the vehicles, and obtaining an expert analysis, the Defendant was ultimately found liable.

Finally, an arbitration amongst the three claimants took place, and using the presentation that DK Global produced, Spencer attained nearly $4 Million for Mr. Felix.

Spencer Lucas, a trial lawyer at the Southern California-based firm, Panish Shea & Boyle, is recognized by The Recorder magazine “On the Fast Track” and is continuously renowned as a “Super Lawyer” and one of the “Best Lawyers in America.” Spencer has obtained numerous multi-million-dollar verdicts and settlements in his career and prides himself on advocating for survivors of catastrophic trauma.


"We used the settlement video that was created by DK Global as part of our damages presentation, and I think that was instrumental for us in proving our case."
Spencer Lucas - Panish Shea & Boyle, LLP


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Although the facts and outcomes presented in this email are intended to be true and accurate, they represent the reporting of a unique matter and do not imply or guarantee any type of result or outcome for matters in which DK Global is involved.
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