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Innovative Technology Aids in Seven-Figure Settlement for Car Crash Survivor

On a cold, winter night in New York, an intoxicated driver raced down Highway 17 at 100 MPH in his Honda Accord. He collided with the back of another young man's BMW, changing the trajectory of the young man's life forever.

J.D. was excited to spend time with his family as he headed home from his Ivy League College for Christmas break. He carefully drove in the right-hand lane at a lawful speed. Suddenly, the inebriated driver slammed into J.D.’s vehicle from behind, propelling his car in a counterclockwise motion before coming to a stop in the left lane. J.D.'s face struck the car's B-pillar, causing a deep scalp laceration, loss of consciousness, and a coup-contrecoup injury.

A coup-contrecoup occurs when a rapid change in forces causes the brain to ricochet against the skull, damaging multiple ends. The force of the collision rotated J.D.'s body, and he suffered bilateral leg contusions. Thankfully, he walked away from the crash – but, as with most head injuries, the severity of his brain damage was difficult to visualize – and would worsen over time.

J.D. was taken by ambulance to a hospital where his injuries were examined and treated. Reconstructive surgeons sutured his facial lacerations. He was disoriented and could not recall the accident, repeatedly asking, “What happened?” Because of his confusion, attending doctors ordered MRI’s and CT scans, which revealed intracranial hemorrhaging and clotted blood throughout his brain.

Nevertheless, the next day, he was cleared to go home. Later, J.D.'s brain injury symptoms manifested: impaired verbal delayed memory, decreased problem-solving, memory loss, anxiety, and more. J.D.’s family searched nationwide for the best representation to fight on his behalf for his trauma. They found Sean Breen of Howry Breen & Herman, LLP, a seasoned trial attorney based in Texas.

Sean planned a case strategy around the several challenges that he anticipated. He predicted that the Defense would claim J.D.’s traumatic brain injury was preexisting, due to his previous concussions while playing high school football. Sean also prepared to refute the Defense’s argument that J.D.’s cognitive deficits were overemphasized, which they would likely claim since J.D. persevered, graduated from college years after the crash, and secured a successful career on Wall Street. The argument contended that, despite his client’s success story, the collision robbed J.D. of his full potential, which would unfortunately never be realized.

Sean needed help illustrating the severity of the accident, the mechanism of injury, as well J.D.’s lifelong damages which were caused by the collision. He called on DK Global to recreate the incident and include cutting-edge technology to reinforce his claim.

The powerful presentation began with a reconstruction of the accident, showing the Defendant intoxicated and traveling at unsafe speeds. 3D scans of J.D.’s car, along with crash test data supported by expert guidance, ensured the animation's dynamics were accurate and irrefutable. A molecular look at J.D.’s brain was also shown, demonstrating the shearing of axons due to the rapid shifts inside his skull. Then, two-dimensional medical imagery taken after his crash was enhanced and colorized to indicate the location of his hemorrhaging for lay viewers to comprehend. Finally, a list of cognitive deficits and myriad symptoms J.D. would endure for the remainder of his life reinforced the need to properly compensate his lost potential.

With a freight train of evidence, Sean mediated the case and secured a full and fair seven-figure settlement for J.D.

Sean Breen is a record-setting trial attorney who considers his clients family and fights every day to deliver not only the best results but the special trust and confidence that his clients expect and deserve. He has won numerous “Hall of Fame” verdicts and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for his clients. Sean has been recognized multiple times for his service to clients through his record-setting verdicts and settlements, recognized as one of the “Best Lawyers in America” for Personal Injury, Product Liability, Commercial Litigation, and Construction Litigation.

On a cold winter night in New York, an intoxicated driver raced down Highway 17 at 100 MPH in his Honda Accord. He collided with the back of a young man's BMW, changing the trajectory of his life forever.

J.D. was excited to spend time with his family as he headed home from his Ivy League college for Christmas break. He carefully drove in the right-hand lane at a lawful speed. Suddenly, the inebriated driver slammed into J.D.’s vehicle from behind, propelling his car in a counterclockwise motion before coming to a stop in the left lane. His face struck the B-pillar, causing a deep scalp laceration, loss of consciousness, and a coup-contrecoup injury.

A coup-contrecoup occurs when a rapid change in forces causes the brain to ricochet, damaging both ends. The force of the collision rotated his body, and he suffered bilateral leg contusions. Thankfully, he walked away from the crash – but, as with most head injuries, the severity of his brain damage was difficult to visualize and would worsen over time.

J.D. was taken by ambulance to a hospital where his injuries were examined and treated. Reconstructive surgeons sutured his facial lacerations. He was disoriented and could not recall the accident, repeatedly asking, “what happened?” Because of his confusion, attending doctors ordered medical imagery of his head. MRI’s and CT scans revealed intracranial hemorrhaging and clotted blood throughout his brain.

Nevertheless, the next day, he was cleared to go home. Later, J.D.'s brain injury symptoms manifested: impaired verbal delayed memory, decreased problem-solving, memory loss, anxiety, and more.

J.D.’s family searched nationwide for the best representation who would fight on his behalf and acquire proper compensation for his trauma. They found Sean Breen of Howry Breen & Herman, LLP, a seasoned trial attorney based in Texas.

Sean planned a case strategy around several challenges he anticipated. He predicted the Defense would claim that J.D.’s traumatic brain injury was preexisting due to his previous concussions while playing high school football. Sean also prepared to refute the Defense’s argument that J.D.’s cognitive deficits were overemphasized, since J.D. persevered, graduated from college years after the crash, and secured a successful career on Wall Street. The argument contended that despite his client’s success story, the collision robbed J.D. of his full potential, which would unfortunately never be realized.

Sean needed help illustrating the severity of the accident, the mechanism of injury, as well J.D.’s lifelong damages which were caused by the collision. He called on DK Global to recreate the incident and include cutting-edge technology to reinforce his claim.

The presentation began with a reconstruction of the accident showing the Defendant intoxicated and traveling at unsafe speeds. 3D scans of J.D.’s car, along with crash test data supported by expert guidance ensured the animation's dynamics were accurate and irrefutable. A molecular look of J.D.’s brain was shown, demonstrating the shearing of axons due to the rapid shifts inside his skull. Then, two-dimensional medical imagery taken after his crash was enhanced and colorized to indicate the location of his hemorrhaging for lay viewers to comprehend. Finally, a list of cognitive deficits and myriad symptoms J.D. would endure for the remainder of his life reinforced the need to properly compensate his lost potential.

With a freight train of evidence, Sean mediated the case and secured a full and fair seven-figure settlement for J.D.

Sean Breen is a record-setting trial attorney who considers his clients family and fights every day to deliver not only the best results but the special trust and confidence that his clients expect and deserve. He has won numerous “Hall of Fame” verdicts and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for his clients. Sean has been recognized multiple times for his service to clients through his record-setting verdicts and settlements, recognized as one of the “Best Lawyers in America” for Personal Injury, Product Liability, Commercial Litigation, and Construction Litigation.

"You know, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words; DK Global has literally been worth millions to my clients."
Sean Breen - Howry Breen & Herman, LLP
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