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Motorcycle Crash Separates Man’s Pelvis, $2M Settlement Achieved Using Animation

A commercial pickup truck driver turned left onto a rural Texas road without checking his surroundings. Consequently, he cut off a 53-year-old motorcyclist, causing the man to hit the truck’s side at 40 miles per hour. The man was launched onto the rough asphalt and lost consciousness.

Paramedics arrived and discovered the motorcyclist covered in abrasions and road rash. He experienced tremendous pain radiating from his arms, legs, hips, and chest. Medical imagery showed he suffered a collapsed lung, numerous fractures, and a large pelvic hematoma. Tragically, the impact pulled his hips apart entirely, separating his pubic symphysis. Due to the severity of his injuries, he was transferred to another hospital to undergo corrective surgeries. After his procedures, doctors explained he would always be in pain, that his dominant arm and hand were “done”, and that he would never be able to return to work.

As he recovered, the man contacted Attorney Dean Boyd, a former Defense lawyer with more than three decades of experience litigating in the Texas Panhandle. As Dean began working up the case, he organized thousands of medical records and unearthed the driver was insured under a comprehensive, commercial policy. He prepared a demand package composed of evidence, x-rays, and photos of his client covered in staples and stitches. Nevertheless, the Defense was uncooperative and denied any liability for the crash.

Dean soon realized the reason for the insurance adjuster’s lack of cooperation was that he had not reviewed his demand. He needed a new strategy that captured the insurance adjuster’s attention, emphasized his case’s value, and showed the opposition he was prepared for trial. Dean consulted with several medical experts to fully grasp the nuances of his client’s injuries. Then, he shared his medical records with DK Global to create an animation that visualized his client’s wounds, the invasive surgeries, and the overwhelming amount of surgical steel in his body.

The animation commenced with the man’s 3D model covered in scrapes and lacerations. The camera captured his wrist, knee, rib, and pelvic fractures, illuminating the immense pain he experienced. Then, a recreation of the surgeries to repair the motorcyclist’s injuries depicted how an external fixator was drilled into his pelvis to stabilize his hips. Metal plates, screws, and a five-inch bolt secured his pubic bones together. A 10-inch plate spanning his right forearm was attached to his broken wrist. Next, steel wires and clamps held his shattered knee in place. Each surgery was followed by the man’s x-rays, showing the massive amount of metal in his body.

Dean prepared for mediation in one of the hardest jurisdictions to get a significant Plaintiffs’ resolution. He shared the animation with the insurance adjuster and the mediator. After watching the video, the mediator declared, “This guy has more metal in him than anybody I’ve seen in my career.” The insurance adjuster agreed and offered to settle the case for $2,000,000.

For over 32 years, Dean Boyd has committed himself to representing those involved in personal injury matters. As a former insurance adjuster, Dean uses his vast experience handling claims for those devastated in motor vehicle accidents, attaining an $8.9M verdict in 2016. Dean is a Fellowship Member of the Texas Trial Lawyers’ Association and prides himself on uplifting local civic organizations in the Texas Panhandle community.

"I believe you have to do show and tell – it works in kindergarten and it works with lawyers and adjusters as well – and that's why I'm working with DK Global. It's the best kind of show and tell."
Dean Boyd - Attorney Dean Boyd PLLC
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