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Motorcyclist Slammed by Commercial Pickup Truck Awarded $2M Settlement

A commercial pickup driver in West Texas made a careless left turn, slamming into a man on a motorcycle. The motorcyclist, a hard-working man in his fifties, was enjoying a day off from his job at an oil patch. When the truck slammed into him, his life changed forever.

The motorcyclist suffered multiple orthopedic and internal injuries from the crash, including fractures in his ribs, hips, patella, and wrist, as well as a dislocated knee, a partial lung collapse, and a pelvic hematoma. His wrist and hips were physically pulled apart from the impact. The surgical interventions were extensive, including plates and large screws in his hips, and wires wrapping around his patella. His surgeries also included a plate running from his arm to his hand, fixed by nine screws into his bones and a wire wrapped around his bone at the wrist.

From his hospital bed, the injured motorcyclist called attorney Dean Boyd. Dean’s extensive experience working in Texas told him that juries in rural West Texas were very conservative with Plaintiff’s judgments if they awarded them at all. He also knew from years of experience as an insurance adjuster that it would be difficult to convey the extent of his client’s injuries and suffering through complex and numerous dry medical records. Dean’s approach to the case was that when it came to helping people understand what happened in a case, he preferred to show than to tell. He turned to DK Global to condense the complex and technical medical records into a clearly illustrated story that any jury could understand. Collaborating with the Plaintiff’s medical team, Dean had DK Global create a damages presentation that explained his client’s injuries and extensive medical interventions.

The video began with a 3D animated depiction of the motorcyclist. One by one, the animation showed his injuries, starting with his road rash and lacerations. From there, the animation showed the victim’s orthopedic and internal injuries, including rib fractures, dislocations in his knee, hip and wrist, his shattered patella, the partial lung collapse, and the pelvic hematoma. Then shown were the medical fixatives that were installed into the Plaintiff, including plates and screws in his arm, wrist, hand, and hip, as well as wires wrapping around his patella to hold it together.

The mediator for this case had over 20 years of experience as an insurance defense lawyer. After watching DK Global’s presentation, he told Dean that he’d never seen intense surgical remedies like the ones the Plaintiff underwent. The Defense offered $2,000,000 to settle, which was higher than any Plaintiff’s verdict in that notoriously difficult venue.

Attorney Dean Boyd is based in Texas and New Mexico, with offices in Amarillo, Lubbock, and Albuquerque. Dean is a former insurance adjuster who has been an attorney for over thirty years. He currently serves on the Texas Trial Lawyers Association Board of Directors. Admitted to practice in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, Dean is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the State Bar of New Mexico, the Oklahoma Bar Association, the Amarillo Bar Association, and the Dallas Bar Association. Dean is relentlessly focused on client service and delivering results and justice to those who need his help.

"These animations help you tell the actual truth, in a way that can't be denied."
Dean Boyd - Attorney Dean Boyd PLLC
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