Robinson Calcagnie Fights On Behalf Of Man Who Survives Loss Of Limb

Animation Depicts Speeding Big Rig Slamming Into Man Outside of Stalled Vehicle

A 38-year-old man was driving to work one morning when he was in not one, but two collisions. Initially, the man was hit by a motor carrier truck, damaging his vehicle and leaving him stranded in the middle of the freeway. Unable to drive his car to the shoulder, the Plaintiff stepped out of his vehicle and tried to push the car out of the way of oncoming traffic. Many witnesses accounted for the fact that surrounding traffic had slowed down in response to the Plaintiff. However, an oncoming semi-truck was not paying attention and slammed into the man, crushing him between the grill of the truck and the rear end of his car, causing the man to lose his left leg. Attorneys Scot D. Wilson and Conor M. Kelly of Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. reached out to DK Global to visually piece together the important aspects of the case.

Accident Reconstruction and Surgical Animation Aid in Justice

As the animation begins, we see the Plaintiff’s vehicle in the location where it was left after the first collision, stranded in the far-right lane of the freeway. Standing among oncoming traffic, we can imagine the terror that the Plaintiff felt seeing the large truck speeding toward him and, ultimately, colliding into him and his vehicle.

Multiple perspectives were used in the animation to show the crucial details of the incident. A medical portion circling a 3D body was created to depict the severe damages that were sustained, including a nearly complete loss of his left leg resulting in amputation, multiple fractures to the right tibia, vertebral body fractures, and a collapsed lung, to name a few. Finally, the resulting surgeries were animated to reinforce the detrimental impact this incident had on the Plaintiff. The animation helped the attorneys reach a resolution based upon a confidential settlement between the parties.

Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. takes every measure to ensure each client receives the care and attention needed to achieve successful resolutions. The firm has had great success in fighting on behalf of their clients, including a $417 million jury verdict in a product liability case involving Johnson & Johnson baby powder.

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"Being given the liberty to touch on every aspect of this case resulted in a visual which captured a fully realized demonstrative for court."

Michael Caldwell, Founder & CEO

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