Animation Assists Local Grocery Store in Slip and Fall Matter
3D Demonstrative Maps Out Closed-Circuit TV Recording

Our reconstruction animations are not confined to solely recreating vehicle collisions. In many cases our visuals aid in retelling your client’s story in a simple, informational way that pulls attention to key details needed for your case. In this presentation, attorney David Porras of Varner & Brandt represented a well-known grocery store in a slip and fall case. The goal of the presentation was to demonstrate the store’s compliance with maintaining the store as backed by closed-circuit TV recording.

A 3D model of the store was created in line with the perspectives of the utilized closed-circuit TV recording. The main theory for this case was the claimed lack of responsibility of the store to maintain its floors and sweep within reasonable times. In order to prove the store’s account, our animation followed the path of the sweeper down the aisle where the slip and fall occurred, mirroring what is seen on the closed-circuit TV recording. A simple X and O mark the movement of the two shoppers down the aisle. The O representing the path of a shopper who was able to maneuver the aisle without any issues and the X representing the path of the Plaintiff. Case resolved in a confidential agreement with the help of this animation.

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