Behind the Visuals: How Storyboarding Makes Litigation Visuals More Effective

When it comes to courtroom presentations, there’s a lot at stake. Not only must it convey all the essential points of your case, it needs to do so in an eye-catching and easily understandable way. Effective visuals — ones that are admissible, validate your argument, elicit empathy from jurors, mediators and even the opposition, and that return the best case outcomes — usually aren’t cheap. Consequently, it’s vital to avoid cutting corners during the production process.

From the first call with a litigation visuals company to the first time you click the play button in mediation or trial, there’s a multi-step process to create effective visual aids. Here, we’re focusing on one often underappreciated but absolutely necessary phase: storyboarding.

“Storyboards are a rough depiction of what the end product is going to be,” explains Cameron Thies, a Visual Consultant at DK Global. “It’s more or less dipping your toe in the water to ensure you’re going in the right direction for what the end product aims to accomplish.”

In a nutshell, storyboards are a set of still image illustrations that portray, shot by shot, what the final presentation is going to show. Check out the video above for some examples of how storyboarding images translate into final animations.

“Storyboards help hasten the production process by eliminating mistakes and redos,” describes Hugo Conchucos, DK Global’s Lead 3D Generalist. “It’s more of a measure twice and cut once situation with storyboards.”

Hugo likens storyboards to the blueprints for a new house. For instance, with blueprints, the buyer and the contractor should be on the same page where the kitchen will be located. Similarly, with storyboards, the goal is to ensure that the attorney, experts, and DK Global have the same vision for each sequence of an animation.

Storyboarding is a powerful tool for attorneys wanting to bring their cases to life. It can make a tremendous difference in the admissibility and effectiveness of courtroom presentations. To learn more about how storyboarding can help maximize you cases’ settlements and verdicts, contact DK Global today to speak with a Visual Consultant.


Although the facts and outcomes presented in this email are intended to be true and accurate, they represent the reporting of a unique matter and do not imply or guarantee any type of result or outcome for matters in which DK Global is involved.
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